Sacred Silence

Heaven's HeadlinesI’m alone at home now.  Everyone is out.  And I’m totally “unplugged.”

No television. No radio. No phone.  Just me and the Lord…a warm swath of late afternoon sun shining on my bed…and this silence. This glorious, healing pool of silence I’m floating in.

This is heaven.

Heaven is sitting in the Presence of the Lord, in utter repose and silence before Him. It is food for the soul. And the only place of rapturous peace.

When all the noise of the world is suddenly shut off and I am alone with God like this, it is not unlike the boat that has been through a violent storm, tossed to and fro, but once the raging stops and the storm stills, the vessel calms itself once again on the glassy water.

I am that boat. And the boat has ceased rocking. The endless clamor and tumult of voices have been silenced. And only the silent sun, cheerfully pouring through my window now, speaks. Speaking to my heart of God’s comforting Spirit.

Here comes joy.  Here comes peace.

I had no idea how desperately I needed this silence. But clearly I did need it, because I am drinking it up now like some thirsty desert traveler who has just happened upon a lifesaving well of cold water.

In this place of silence I am aware that I am finally released to listen fully to God’s heart because my own heart’s attention is no longer fragmented. Instead, all my senses are open to His heartbeat, and it is pure heaven.

Thank you Lord for sacred silence.

“And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest a while.’  For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.   And they went away in the boat to a lonely place by themselves.” ~ Mark 6:31-32 [RSV]

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” ~ Matthew 11:28-29 [KJV]

“…the Lord is in his holy temple:  let all the earth keep silence before him.” ~ Habakkuk 2:20 [KJV]

3 thoughts on “Sacred Silence

  1. Cinnie, your writing is awesome…It was like I was there with you feeling the sunlight and sensing the presence of God. Love you sister.


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