“Will You Marry Me?”


This morning I leaned my head against the bed post, closed my eyes, and quieted my heart before the Lord.  This was “our” time together.  Just the two of us — no interruptions.  Always my favorite time of the day.

Suddenly a surprising question bubbled up in my spirit:

“Will you marry Me?”

Much like Peter who was perplexed and even troubled when the Lord asked him if he loved Him, I confess I was equally perplexed.  But like the fish to the sparkling lure, the question drew me in.  And I responded:

“Lord, I don’t really know what to make of this question. You know my heart.”

He answered:

“When a man asks the question, ‘Will you marry me?’ there is never a question as to what it means.  It is quite obvious, is it not?  Why, then, is it a mystery when the God of the universe, and your Maker asks you, ‘Will you marry Me?’  The question is not a mystery.  Only the answer is. 

“Will you marry Me?” He repeated.

“Yes, Lord! A million times ‘Yes’!” my heart cried out to Him. “I will marry You with all my heart and go wherever You go, I know that is a naive answer said so fast but it is my heart, it is my true heart, and though I may falter and weaken when I am asked to die for You [though even that I don’t believe I would falter on] I still say with confidence, yes, my Dear Beloved, it is my heart’s cry to say, ‘YES! I will certainly marry You!”

And the Spirit immediately responded:

“Then come to Me regularly and meet with Me in private, as husbands and wives do.  Let me whisper words of love in your ear that will sustain you when the heat rises, and comfort you when terror strikes.  I am drawing you in close to Me, gentle one, to keep you safe.  I am drawing you in, wooing you in like the lover of your soul that I am.  Let me love you.  Let me guard you.  Be My Bride.  From this day forward.”

“But Lord, I thought we were already married…that’s why I’m struggling with this exchange.”

“We have been ‘one’ for a long time, that is true.  But now I ask you again, no different than when a man and wife of many years renew their wedding vows.  ‘Will you marry me?’ the man asks his wife of so many years, with tears in his eyes as they both recall the long rough road of life they have traveled together and the love they have shared on that rugged path.  And the wife, who delights to see the tear of love in her man’s eyes, responds gleefully, joyfully, ‘Oh yes! I will marry you — all over again!’

“Just so…this is a Day to renew your vows to your Lord.  And to confirm yourself in the Way of Truth.  For I am Truth.  And when you renew your marriage vow to Me, you acknowledge that I alone am Truth, and you promise to forsake all others…all imitations of the Truth…all lies…all half measured allegiance…all compromise.  You promise to cling to only One.  Your True Love.  Your God.  Your Maker.  Me.

“For I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”

“”YES Lord,” I answered. “Today I renew my wedding vow to You.  And I stand on this word, this vow, that I am Yours, Yours alone. And I love You and You alone, and I promise to forsake all others…because You ARE the Truth.  And I love the Truth.  Amen, and amen.”

Friend, this is the precise exchange that happened between me and the Lord this very morning when I sought Him for Heaven’s Headline of the day. So I am confident this is the question heavy on His heart not just for me…but for all who call themselves by His name.

“Will you marry Me?”

It appears the Lord is saying, “This is the hour to choose.”

God bless you then, beloved, as you meet with your Maker to give Him your heart’s reply.

“For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; the God of the whole earth shall he be called.” ~  Isaiah 54:5 KJV

2 thoughts on ““Will You Marry Me?”

    • Thank you Linda. I believe the Lord wants us all to get serious about our love relationship with Him. As the preacher said last week at revival, the Lord’s not looking for a girlfriend, He’s looking for a BRIDE. Amen?


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